I was born in Cambodia and raised in a Christian family in Hong Kong. I came to the US in 1985 for college and have been at SJCAC since then. I grew up poor and my life goal was to become rich. While working for a prestigious CPA firm in the public and private industry for over 10 years, God humbled me through a crisis. I decided to give my life to serve Jesus. My wife and I dedicated our lives to serving God during a Mission Conference. This call led me to full-time ministry with SJCAC in 2000 as the Worship Pastor, before transitioning to the Cantonese Ministry. I am married to Amy, my college sweetheart. We have two young adult sons: Jaron and Austin. I enjoy hiking, traveling, and playing music. A fun fact is that I like coconut milk desserts!
I received a B.S. in Business Administration from San Jose State University and a Master of Ministry from Simpson University.
Praise the Lord, my soul;
all my inmost being, praise his holy name.
Psalm 103:1

Alan Lee