Our Story
San Jose Christian Alliance Church (SJCAC) started in 1975 with the mission of spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the people of our city and the world. We are part of the Christian & Missionary Alliance, a Christ-centered global movement, with over 6 million members worldwide. In the US alone, more than 500,000 believers attend worship services in 37 different languages at more than 2,000 Alliance churches. The US Alliance is divided into 28 districts, and our church is part of the Central Pacific District.
Learn more about the Christian & Missionary Alliance.

October 1975
Abraham and Lillian Poon, a young couple in their 20s, held the first worship service in Cantonese and English at Willow Glen Alliance Church
November 1976
Rev. Abraham Poon was ordained
February 1977
The church was formally organized with 60 members
November 1978
First Missions Conference: "Behold the Field"

San Jose Chinese Alliance Church became officially accredited with the Christian & Missionary Alliance
December 1980
Our first missionaries Chris & Grace Kidwell were commissioned
December 1982
The church relocated to Campbell High School
April 1985
We held our groundbreaking service at 2360 McLaughlin Ave
June 1986 - April 1987
Phase 1 Construction began and we held a Dedication Ceremony in less than one year!
January 1987
Rev. Yan Kwong Loh, the first Cantonese pastor, went to be with the Lord


Building Project Album
February 2000
FREEDOM — Mortgage Burning Ceremony
Adopted a new name: San Jose Christian Alliance Church
Fall 2000
ESL Ministries began
November 2001
Our first elders were installed
March 2002
We launched healing and deliverance ministries through Pastoral Care School
December 2004
We answered the call to the fatherless at Living Stones Village


October 2010
Kingdom Business initiatives were launched
giving birth to Gateway Preschool Academy and Word of Grace Chinese School
November 2012
Rev. Abraham Poon, founding pastor,
retired and was commissioned for Global
Pastoral Care School Ministry
Rev. Ed Kwong was appointed
Coordinating Pastor
December 2014
Rev. Ed Kwong went to be with the Lord
August 2015
Rev. Ted Kang was installed as the Lead Pastor
September 2016
New Vine Community Church
was planted in Mountain View
December 2017
San Jose Arabic Church was planted

March 15, 2020
The global pandemic closed in-person gatherings, but the Church continued to flourish and advance!
May 2020
New Spring Community Church was planted online then finally gathered in person in July 2021
August 2022
The church re-gathered in person after the global pandemic.
January 2023
Stephen Ministries was launched.

November 2023
The College & Young Adult Ministry and New Spring Community Church relocated to the former Willow Glen Alliance Church property, where our church was birthed
Nueva Vida Church Plant is preparing to launch for the Hispanic Community
2025 - Looking towards
The church leadership experienced renewal through the baptism and filling of the Holy Spirit
June 1990 - June 1991
We held a ground breaking ceremony for Phase 2 of the Building Construction and had a Dedication Ceremony in one year
August 1991
San Jose Cambodian Evangelical Church began meeting at the San Jose campus as a partner church
September 1992
The Senior Center & Tutoring Program were launched
July 1994
Fremont Chinese Alliance Church was planted
(later becoming Silicon Valley Alliance Church)
Prayer Evangelism Ministries began
March 1997
East San Jose Youth Revival ignited SOUL Fellowship
August 1999
Local & global mission initiatives were launched
